I've been told that being a grandparent is a wonderful thing. You can delight in your grandchildren without having to deal with the daily grind that parents do. That's what I've been told. I have wonderful grandparents. I love them all, and I always felt loved by them too. I have one grandma specifically who has a special gift for making ALL of her grandchildren feel loved and appreciated. She loves us all equally no matter what we're accomplishing or doing in our lives.
Maybe this is why I am so irked with my mother-in-law right now. Normally, I like her a lot, but she does NOT have the gift of loving all of her grandchildren equally. I can deal with other quirky things she says or does, no big deal, but when it comes to loving my children and the way she treats them, I am less tolerant.
I think a grandma should at least TRY her best to love all grandchildren the same. At least TRY to want to spend time with them, TRY to tell them you love them, TRY to act like you like them, TRY to be equal with your time and attention. Kids love their grandparents automatically, and it hurts me when I don't see that love returned.
Why would you ever invite some of your grandchildren over, but say, "but don't bring so and so?" I just think it is so rude, and thoughtless, and eventually damaging to the child. I really believe children can sense an adults' attitude towards them. Babies can tell when adults are stressed, toddlers can tell when adults don't like them, kids can tell when they're not wanted around.
I just think GRANDPARENTS SHOULD NOT PLAY FAVORITES! Even if they do have a favorite family or child, they should at least TRY to make the others feel loved and not like they just don't matter. Don't invite some but not the others. Don't give gifts to some and not the others. Don't visit some and not the others. Don't just hold some and not the others. It doesn't have to all happen at the same time, but my goodness, make an effort to make it happen eventually! Hmphf!! It's important for children to feel loved by their grandparents. That's not asking much! Not money, not presents, not things, just good old fashioned love and attention. A knowledge that their grandparents love them...equally, just like the others!