Sunday, July 20, 2008

Internal Conversations

Frequently, at night, I find myself having internal conversations with myself, preventing me from falling asleep. I don't so much mind the conversations, it's the fact that I'm exhausted and want to fall asleep, but am unwillingly preventing myself from doing so because my mind is racing. So in an attempt to solve this problem, I have decided to start a blog, releasing these internal conversations, in hopes that I will be able to fall asleep more easily at night.

This blog is not intended to offend, hurt, or cause frustration to anyone, it is merely a way for me to express the random thoughts that cross my mind. It will be PG rated, and hopefully thought provoking and interesting, mingled with nonsense and rambling. So feel free to agree, enlighten, share, challenge, or give an amen to what you read. (In a polite, non-offensive, non-profane manner of course. ) And if you don't like what you find here, simply move on to another blog that suits your fancy. I've learned I can't please everyone, but to those who are interested, you're welcome to the Soapbox...On My Mind.

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